Lecture Notes - Globalisation, Sustainability & the Media

Globalisation: Socialist - POSITIVE - Internationalisation
Everyone works together -
sharing for common interest

Capitalist - Expand national markets - globally. POSITIVE
Integrate the world
Increased profit - desirable

"Stamford encyclopedia of philosophy" - defines and explains
^ wide range of poitical, economic and cultural trends
-classical liberal politics in world economy
- dominance of western society
- growing power of the internet
- pursuit of utopia

People become more similar - 'homogenous'
George Ritzen - Mcdonaldsisation - principles of fast food restaurant dominate more and more sectors of society

Similar to Adorno on popular music.
Marshall McLuhan - space & time in temrs of planet lost due to electrical involvemnt.
"render individualism redundant"
"Corporate independence mandatory"

"Pessimistic hyperglobalizers" - Increasingly homogenized culture
Chomsky + Schiller - cultural imperialism
Not about integration - about assimilation

. All media is woned by roughly 6 media monopolies.

News corporations divide the world into territories of descending market importance.
1- North America
2 - Western Europe, Japan, Australia
3 - Developing importance
4 - everything else (3rd world)

US media - A new form of imperialism.
Chomsky & Herman (1998)
"Manufacturing consent"

Propaganda model - 5 basic filters

  • ownership
  • funding - corporate funded - please the paymasters
  • sourcing
  • FLAK
  • Anti communist theory
FLAK - Flak groups
lobby groups pressure media companies to a certain slant of cultural reasing.
GCC - US based global climate coalition
media pressure groups support Texaco/Ford

Anti Ideologies - Against the enemies of America/ England. 

2006, Al Gore, "An Inconvenient Truth"
Dir. Davis Guggenheim 
America causes the problem and then says that everyone else is the solution

Solution to preoblems caused by capitalism is to further capitalism - spend more money on new cars etc.

Sustainability - "Development that meets the needs of the people without compromising"
Deep green thinkers - ecologism - overthow capitalism
Environmentalism - Recycle/reuse - try harder and everything will work out

Greenwash - Appears to be green when not really changing anything

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