Lecture Notes - Advertising, Publicity and the Media

Times square in New York - full of advertising, like many other places

1990s - 11,000 new TV adverts per year
25 million print adverts per year

Advertising inescapable - affect our concious and subconious mind

Karl Marx - born 1818 died 1883
wrote the communist manifesto in 1848
wrote Das Kapital in 1867

Marxism - critique of consumer culture, commodity culture

We construct identity through products and consumerism
The idea that you shouldnt be defined as a person by what you own but by who you are
Lives are run buy products and advertising
Stuart Ewan calls it the "consumer self"

Symbolic association plays a key part in products and their meanings

Perpetuating false needs -
Aesthetic Innovation
Planned Obsolesence (Products today are built to eventually break so that new ones have to be bought)
Novelty (new, different, exciting)

Commodity Fetishism:
Products use advertising and campaigns to hide their history

Products are given human associations
(e.g. Cool, sexy, romantic)
Creates a human-like close attatchment to products

Herbert Marcuse wrote "The One Dimensional Man" in 1964


Advertising produces money and makes society richer
The money can often be used for ethical things and lots of things aside from advertising


Teaches people tht they are inadequate
can advertise to children who are more likely to be affected
Makes people want things that they cant afford

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